Thursday, May 15, 2008

wow time flies

i can't believe it's been so long since i last posted anything! life can change so fast and by the time you catch up.. it's hard to recognize that it's yours. lately i've been trying to take stock of the blessings God's granted, the turmoil that exists, and the reality of who i am. i decided to go back to school with some divine prodding... and i am happy. also, it's been 7 years since i graduated from high school, 3 since i've graduated from college.. and lately i've been daydreaming of those friendships that have slipped just beyond my fingertips. how do you salvage those? or do you? do you remember the good times and count them as a closed chapter? or do you run kicking and screaming back to them in hopes they will recognize you? i haven't decided yet. right now i'm just thanking God that i had the chance to know them in the first place. with that said.... i shout out a blessing for Cole and Ash... Cole, who befriended me the first day of school freshman year and was always fun and willing to play squirrel with Adam on the way home.. and Ash who always had a smile on her face and a laugh to die for! Congratulations on your marriage you two! it's about time! :)

1 comment:

Anderson said...

Hey Kara...

You probably have blocked out the painful memory from HS of having to play trumpet alongside me, hearing my weak attempt to hit notes that even an infant could easily reach...but I'll take the chance that those shrill sounds are stored somewhere in that memory of yours!

I was perusing my wife's facebook and came across your blog link. It looks like all is going well for you, and I am glad. The question of remembering old friends is a fine one; Taryn, my son Evan, and I were just all home in SD about 2 weeks ago (we are in Texas now, where I am finishing up my Ph.D. in, surprise surprise--religion). Ever since then I've been on a huge nostalgia kick.

Where, precisely, are you going to grad school, and what for?

Hope all is and stays sane!


John Anderson