A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and
very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.
very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.
Sisters aren't something that everyone gets to experience, I however was blessed with 4 beautiful young ladies that amaze and astound me almost every day. My sister Ellie, is not the exception to this rule. She is a whiz at school, ridiculously talented musically, pitches better than Joe Nathan himself, and definitely got the one tall gene out of us. She's small town country girl, with the passion to achieve the world. But besides all of these things, there is one thing that she is that I look up to. She is confident and she knows where she stands. She has a truth in her that cannot be squashed by fear. When she was in middle school, she stood up to her closest friends to defend a new girl that she didn't know. She wasn't afraid to lose her social status, but instead knew in her heart of hearts what was right. This isn't the only example of her strength and lack of fear!