A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and
very much not ourselves - a special kind of double.
Sisters aren't something that everyone gets to experience, I however was blessed with 4 beautiful young ladies that amaze and astound me almost every day. My sister Ellie, is not the exception to this rule. She is a whiz at school, ridiculously talented musically, pitches better than Joe Nathan himself, and definitely got the one tall gene out of us. She's small town country girl, with the passion to achieve the world. But besides all of these things, there is one thing that she is that I look up to. She is confident and she knows where she stands. She has a truth in her that cannot be squashed by fear. When she was in middle school, she stood up to her closest friends to defend a new girl that she didn't know. She wasn't afraid to lose her social status, but instead knew in her heart of hearts what was right. This isn't the only example of her strength and lack of fear!
This last summer we went to Des Moines, IA for a family reunion. It was fun to see enough people with the same last name to fully staff two softball teams and a crowd of spectators. We went to Sleepy Hollow which is a sports complex. We climbed a wall, played miniature golf (some of the uncles took this very seriously), hit some balls, and best of all - raced go carts. I chose to ride with my little sis... with learner's permit in hand. Little did I know that my life would pass before my eyes before the first lap was through! This girl had no fear!! She was giggling so hard and I was screaming myself hoarse!
She's beautiful, in case you haven't noticed! El is always willing to be my model and she does whatever I tell her too! She got the legs even Mom wishes she had! We still love her despite. This week, El got some disappointing news. She had auditioned for something really exciting and she didn't get it. Not because she doesn't ooze with the talent necessary for the job, but instead because of high school politics and girl-cattiness. She deserved to get that spot, she worked hard at what she does and she's really good. However sometimes, despite how much we deserve it, life happens and other's agenda's get in the way. I just wanted to remind that even though she isn't perfect, and sometimes she fights with her sister, she is still extraordinary and I admire that.
All that said, secretly, my favorite part about El being my sister is seeing her grow up and seeing how alike we are. She is a younger me, yet she is completely her own person. She is not living in anyone's shadow but her own!! Love you Ellie! Don't let anyone make you feel less than extraordinary!
1 comment:
Thank you so much!! I love you!!!
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